Research Stations

Cristalina – GO
Address: Sta. Barbara Farm. BR 251 Road, KM 18. Rural Zone. Cristalina, GO.
Zipcode: 73.850.000

Lucas do Rio Verde – MT
Address: BR 163 Road, KM 667. Rural Zone. Lucas do Rio Verde, MT.
Zipcode: 78.460-971

Porto Nacional – TO
Address: Dois Marcos Farm. TO 050 Road, KM 18. Rural Zone. Porto Nacional, TO.
Zipcode: 77.500-000
The Inova Genética Ltda have three research centers, located in Cristalina, Goiás; Lucas do Rio Verde, Mato Grosso and Porto Nacional, Tocantins. In addition to the phytopathology and molecular biology laboratories located in Cristalina, we conduct research in more than 100 locations, distributed across the main soybean-producing states in Brazil, including Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Tocantins, Bahia, Piauí, Maranhão and Pará

Cristalina – GO
Address: Sta. Barbara Farm. BR 251 Road, KM 18. Rural Zone. Cristalina, GO.
Zipcode: 73.850.000

Lucas do Rio Verde – MT
Address: BR 163 Road, KM 667. Rural Zone. Lucas do Rio Verde, MT.
Zipcode: 78.460-971

Porto Nacional – TO
Address: Dois Marcos Farm. TO 050 Road, KM 18. Rural Zone. Porto Nacional, TO.
Zipcode: 77.500-000
The Inova Genética was founded in 2017 aiming the improvement and readiness of the research in plant breeding; using advanced technologies for product development. We have three Research Stations, covering the three main soybean and corn producing regions: Macro 3, 4 and 5. One of these Stations is mainly dedicated to the nursery, allowing agility in plant selection and genetic gains through generations.

Our differential lies in the ability to complete breeding cycles and lauch products in less than 4 years. We use multiple generations per year and carrying out field evaluations from the first stages of the process. The results are soybean and corn seeds better adapted to environmental changes and new farming systems.
Our processes are georeferenced and integrated with statistical analyzes for global information management. We have our own IT team and use the main AI tools to select our soybean cultivars and corn hybrids.
Furthermore, the Inova Genética Phytopathology Laboratory carry out analyzes of the main soybean and corn diseases. Also, along with the Molecular Biology Laboratory the plants are screened to identify resistance alleles regarding with soybean and corn diseases. Both, the Phytopathology and Molecular Biology laboratories guarantee the quality and efficiency of our products.