SOY - PR: R$ 128,65 DOLLAR: R$ 5,81

Privacy Policy

Data privacy and security are priorities for Inova Genética LTDA. We are committed to transparency in the processing of personal data of our users and clients. So, this Privacy Policy establishes how data is collected on our website and its purpose.

When using our services, you understand that we collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (art. 5, LXXIX; and art. 22, XXX – included by EC 115/2022) , Data Protection standards (LGPD, Federal Law 13,709/2018), customer provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other applicable standards of the Brazilian legal system.

The data will be collected through electronic forms available on our website. Below, we present the personal information that may be collected and their respective purposes:

CPF: this data will be used as customer registration;

Name: this data will be used as customer identification and registration;

Birth Date: we will use your date of birth to confirm your identity and to guarantee child safety, in accordance with Brazilian legislation;

Gender: we can use your gender to personalize service and guarantee identity;

Position: your job position will allow us to verify which audience of our services you belong to;

Phone: we will use your phone number to disclose products and services; carry out research via phone call or text message; answer customers’ requests and orders; inform customers about transnational issues, such as moving, opening hours or an event. We make calls and send text messages when necessary.

E-mail: we will use your email as a means of communication and to enter into product sales contracts. Also, to answer customers’ requests and orders; inform customers about transnational issues, such as data from a service contract.

Location information (CEP, UF, city, neighborhood and address): we will use this data to allow us to identify how we can support you locally. Also, to provide important information about product delivery and to support in our process of understanding your needs and send purchased material.

CNPJ: Used to verify the company’s regularity.

Inova Genética LTDA guarantees that you have the right to have control over all your personal data, including deciding on processing activities – such as collection, use, sharing, etc. –, the request for correction, the deletion of your data from our website.

However, we notify you that the exercise of these rights is subject to prior validation of viability by Inova Genética LTDA., ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and within the limits of the confidentiality of our activities.

Furthermore, so that we can guarantee the security of personal data under our responsibility, we will not give up using as many procedures as necessary to validate the identity of all users who wish to exercise their rights, in order to certify that the requestor is, unequivocally, the holder of this information.

SOY - PR: R$ 128,65

DOLLAR: R$ 5,81