SOY - PR: R$ 128,65 DOLLAR: R$ 5,81

About Us

A Inova Genética Ltda é a mais jovem e promissora empresa de melhoramento genético e produção de sementes de soja e híbridos de milho do Brasil. Trata-se da terceira geração de empresas do Grupo Wehrmann neste ramo de atividade.

The Inova Genética Ltda is the youngest and most promising company for soybean and corn genetic breeding and seed production in Brazil. This is the third generation of Wehrmann Group companies in this branch of business.

 With a highly qualified technical team, with Ph.D and M.S in different plant breeding fields, in addition to the experience of three generations in this activity, the Inova Genética Ltda stands out for its efficiency and speed in developing new soybean cultivars and corn hybrids for the Brazilian market.


(Our being reasons for the customers)
Ensuring the best genetics in our soybean and corn seeds for our customers, leveraging their results.


(Our being reasons for the planet)
Ensuring the best genetics in driving the future of farming.


(What we want for the future)
To be recognized as a company capable of understanding and anticipating the future of genetics in agribusiness.


(What we do not give up)

to grow together, as a team and in the market;

to risk doing things differently and find the future;

to do what needs to be done;

Do not forget what really matters.

At the Wehrmann Group, we believe the sustainable growth of a community is completely linked to people’s well-being. With this belief we created the Ser Wehrmann Project, whose mission is to show our active contribution to the social, educational, technological and sustainable improvement of our community, in addition to honoring those who contributed to making all of this possible and reaching us here.

We support the public education and afford educational actions that foster the interest of new generations for farming. We are always looking to promote health and well-being for all the communities in which we operate. We have a strong presence in the economic development of the region. Each year, we grow even further in our sustainable commitment, ensuring an abundant future through technologies, as well as other practices that demonstrate our social responsibility.

Throughout 2024, we will present a series of videos on all The Wehrmann Group’s social networks. Will be 12 episodes lauched every month. Each episode will have a different theme that corresponds to the Wehrmann Group’s good practices and in some way, makes a difference in people’s lives.

After all, “Being Wehrmann is more than an agricultural vocation; it is the mission to transform lives, cultivate opportunities and sow well-being in our community.”

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Rich narratives, told through the memories of former employees, that weave the unique and valuable story of the Wehrmann Group over the years!

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Principles, values ​​and experiences that have always been the essential pillars, shared by the matriarch of the Wehrmann Group, Norma Kitzmann Wehrmann.

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Dedicated to womens in celebration of International Women’s Day. We affectionately highlight the more than 750 women who are part of the Wehrmann Group companies.

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You are invited to enjoy the fourth video of our twelve-episode series, “Being Wehrmann: Work,” dedicated to our more than 2,000 Grupo employees! 💚 This video is narrated by Majority Partner, Verni Wehrmann. Join us on this journey of inspiration and commitment! 🤝

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For almost 50 years, Grupo Wehrmann has combined tradition and innovation in Brazilian agriculture! We merge our roots with technology to produce quality food while minimizing environmental impact! Being Wehrmann is more than just planting; it’s nurturing lives with TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION!

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At Grupo Wehrmann, we know that the future starts today, which is why we invest in education and transformation that opens doors for children and young people in our region.


Leandro Canassa
CEO of Sementes Canassa
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire team at Inova Genética and to Mr. Verni Wehrmann, whom I deeply admire as a great geneticist. I believe that the partnership between Inova Genética and Grupo Canassa will add productivity and technology for the rural producer.I am pleased to validate and thank you for our partnership. I have great confidence in the future expansion plans of Inova Genética’s genetics.Therefore, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Thank you very much.
Gilvan Matos
Commercial Manager of
Dois Marcos Seeds
We started our partnership with Inova in 2020, and since then we have seen significant growth in our involvement with soybean materials. The cultivars exhibit high yield potential, excellent foliar health, and resistance to cyst nematodes. We are extremely satisfied with the partnership and the simplicity and agility with which business is conducted.

Grow our Seeds

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SOY - PR: R$ 128,65

DOLLAR: R$ 5,81